Thursday, November 5, 2009

New Moon

I am sure you guys probably all heard about the movie twilight and there is a second one coming out called New Moon. It is playing in theatre on November 20, 2009. The movie is about a girl name Bella who goes to live with her dad in Forks, Washington.When she starts going to her new high school she meets a strange family who always keep to themselves. They are known as the Cullens. When she learns their secret she falls in love with the youngest Cullen (Edward) and gets into all sorts of trouble. Their problem is Bella alluring scent, which attracts Edward and makes it difficult for him to restrain himself from attacking her. He decides to leave Bella so she can live a normal life again, leaving her with pain in her heart. Luckily, she had her best friend Jacob to be there for her. Later on, she learns that Jacob and his families are werewolves. Eward thought Bella was dead and he tries to get killed by the Voluturi. Bella and the Cullens go to Italy to rescue Edward and they reunite again.

Here is a trailer of New Moon