Sunday, November 1, 2009

Coco Avant Chanel

I saw Coco Avant Chanel over the weekend and i'm actually rather impressed with it. Honestly, I did not go into the theater with very high expectations but left rather satistfied. I somehow managed to drag my boyfriend(which I can describe as a big rugby jock) to see the movie and to my surprise he didn't fall asleep.Overall, I give this movie a solid 7/10.

Without giving too much of the plot away,Coco Avant Chanel is a movie that documents the years before Chanel was established. The foundation of the movie situates around the name "Coco" and how it came to be. Coco's real name is actually Gabrielle. Coco is a nickname that she aquires from singing a song called "Coco" in a cabaret. The cabaret is where Gabrielle makes the connections to realize her dream of fashion and also receive financial support to launch Chanel. This movie gives a whole new meaning to "sugar daddy".

What I loved most about the movie was the irony of Gabrielle's character. Because of unpleasant past experiences with her father, Coco swears off men. She strives to succeed on her own capabilities but somehow uses men to climb the ladder. The most disturbing flaw that I found in the movie was probably by Alessandro Nivola who played "Boy", Coco's main love interest. He was suppose to be an Englishman but whenever he spoke english he would have the most AMERICAN accent! What's up with that?

I believe that the Garneu theater is the only place showing the film in Edmonton. Oh,and I almost forgot to mention that the movie is in french. The fast paced, witty dialogues will probably sound more clever if you can understand.

Coco Avant Chanel trailer

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